How to make a refund on PayPal?

If the student decided to withdraw from the course and request a refund of enrollment, you can do it through the payment platform. Follow the instructions below for payments made by PayPal:

1) Access your Paypal account at:

Click on “Log in”:



2) Fill in the email or mobile number, password and click on “Log In”:


3) In the menu, click on “Activities”:


4) Click the arrow below on the payment made:


5) Now just click on “Refund this payment”:



About the payment term on Paypal:

 • If the student paid by credit card, it may take up to 30 days for the refund to appear on the card statement.
 • If the payment was made using the prepaid card, the student will have to contact the card issuer to access the refund.
• As for the payment through the bank account, the refund will return to the PayPal account balance before being transferred and it can take up to 5 business days for the refund amount to appear in the bank account.
• If the refund is made immediately after making the payment, Paypal will attempt to cancel the transaction, so that there is no charge. But, if they are unable to cancel, the refund will be made.

• Payment via PayPal Cash Balance or PayPal Cash Plus: the refund will go to the balance of PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus on the same day that the refund was made.
• PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus balance + credit card: the refund will be directed to the PayPal balance.
And payment by Cash or PayPal Cash Plus and credit card. The balance will be refunded on the same day of processing and the refund on the card can take up to 30 days.
• On your debit card, your refund will go to your debit card. It may take up to 30 days for the refund amount to appear on your card statement. If the refund cannot be made on your debit card, it will be directed to your PayPal account.

• When there are currency conversions in the payment and the refund is made within 1 day, the exchange rate used for the payment will be used. However, if the refund is made after 1 day, the exchange rate for the refund date will be used.

Do not forget to de-enroll the student (until the 31st of the month) after making the refund, so that there will be no commission charge for this enrollment on the 1st of the next month.

To learn how to de-enroll the student click here.

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